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The Lucidity Project: Bringing Privacy Back to the Web
2105 Hornbake, South Wing
Thursday, December 10, 2015, 12:30-1:30 pm Calendar
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Many of us have given up the hope of maintaining privacy on the web, willingly handing over our private lives for the opportunity to connect with those we care about. But imagine for a moment an Internet in which our personal information is secure, one in which corporations can't read our posts, scan our photos, or parse our private email. Lucidity is an open source content management system that places privacy at its core. Unlike Drupal and WordPress, Lucidity has been designed to protect our data from those to whom we entrust it while providing both ease of use and sophistication. Using Lucidity, developers can create sites that guarantee their users privacy – not just protection from theft – but also an assurance that those who steward their data can not exploit, sell, or manipulate it. The Lucidity project is backed by a small team at Elucid Solutions. We want to build a large coalition of developers, designers, and end users among the open source community, and to bring privacy back to the web! This talk will present Lucidity, describe its evolution, and paint a vision for its future. We invite you to join us in this exciting collaboration.

This talk is organized by Leyla Norooz