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Interactive Fabrication and Fabrication for Interaction
Thursday, March 29, 2018, 11:00 am-12:00 pm Calendar
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3D printing technology has been widely applied to produce well-designed objects. There is a hope to make both the modeling process and printing outputs more interactive, so that designers can get in-situ tangible feedback to fabricate objects with rich functionalities. To date, however, knowledge accumulated to realize this hope remains limited. In this talk, I will present two lines of research. The first line of work aims at facilitating an interactive process of fabrication. I demonstrate novel interactive fabrication systems that allow the designer to create 3D models in AR with a robotic arm to print the model in real time and on-site. The second line of work concerns the fabrication of 3D printed objects that are interactive. I report new techniques for 3D printing with novel materials such as fabric sheet, and how to print one-off functional objects such as sensor and motor. I will conclude the talk by outlining future research directions built upon my current work.

Huaishu Peng is a Ph.D. candidate in the Information Science department at Cornell University. His multi-disciplinary research interests range from human-computer interaction design, robotic fabrication to material innovation. He builds software systems and machine prototypes that make the design and fabrication of 3D models interactive. He also looks into new techniques that can fabricate 3D interactive objects. His work has been published in CHI, UIST and SIGGRAPH and won Best Paper Nominee. His work has also been featured in media such as Wired, MIT Technology Review, Techcrunch, and Gizmodo. In addition, he is serving on the UIST organizing committees as the poster co-chair and on the CHI program committees as an associate chair.

This talk is organized by Brandi Adams