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Secure Computation with Low Communication from Cross-checking
Samuel Ranellucci - UMD
Friday, February 23, 2018, 12:00-1:00 pm Calendar
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We construct new four party protocols for secure computation that are secure against a single malicious corruption. 

Our protocols can perform computations over a binary ring, and require sending just 2 ring elements per party, per gate.

In the special case of Boolean circuits, this amounts to sending 2 bits per party, per gate. 

One of our protocols is robust, yet requires almost no additional communication. 

Our construction can be viewed as a variant of the ``dual execution'' approach, but, because we rely on four parties instead of two, we can avoid any leakage, achieving the standard notion of security with an honest majority against a malicious adversary.

This talk is organized by Octavian Suciu