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Designing the User Experience of Machine Learning
Kristen Vaccaro
Thursday, April 2, 2020, 11:00 am-12:00 pm Calendar
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Machine learning systems are found everywhere. They support everyday technology: search systems, social media news feeds, fashion advice apps. But machine learning is also used in extremely high impact prediction and decision making systems to predict credit scores, health diagnoses, and allocate child protective services. Unfortunately as algorithmic decision making and governance systems increase in prevalence, importance, and impact, users have felt resignation and fatalism because of their lack of control over these systems. My work has sought to understand how to design systems so that users feel an increased sense of agency and control. In this talk, I will discuss that work and how can we design machine learning systems so that users can understand them, engage with them, and feel empowered in an increasingly automated world.

Kristen Vaccaro is a Phd Candidate in Computer Science at the University of Illinois Urbana Champaign in the Social Spaces group. Her research focuses on designing decision making systems for user agency and control. Using qualitative and quantitative methods, she has studied existing systems and new prototypes to capture user understanding, behavior, and adaptations around mechanisms for control. Her work also explores questions of fairness, justice, and policy around such technologies. 


This talk is organized by Richa Mathur