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Accelerating Atmospheric Turbulence Simulation for Deep Learning Algorithms
Zoom: https://umd.zoom.us/j/92528272976
Wednesday, October 20, 2021, 2:00-3:15 pm Calendar
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Seeing through a turbulent atmosphere has been one of the biggest challenges for ground-to-ground long-range incoherent imaging systems. The literature is very rich that can be dated back to Andrey Kolmogorov in the late 40’s, followed by a series of major developments by David Fried, Robert Noll, among others, during the 60’s and 70’s. However, even though we have a much better understanding of the atmosphere today, there remains a gap from the optics theory to image processing algorithms. In particular, training a deep neural network requires an accurate physical forward model that can synthesize training data at a large scale. Traditional wave propagation simulators are not an option here because they are computationally too expensive --- a 256x256 gray scale image would take several minutes to simulate.  

In this talk, I will discuss the lessons I learned over the past few years and present some of my own work. I will start by giving a brief introduction of the classical split-step propagation model that has been the backbone of many numerical wave simulators. Then I will present two new simulators my students and I invented at Purdue:

- Collapsed phase-over-aperture model (our first-generation simulator): The idea is to compress the propagation path into a single phase-screen where each pixel on the phase screen is modeled through a Zernike expansion over the aperture. To enable spatial correlations of the aberrations, we invented a mirroring technique that brings the multi-aperture angle-of-arrival model from the image plane to the object plane. With additional numerical inventions, we offer 20x speed-up compared to the traditional split-step propagation.

- Phase-to-Space transform (our second-generation simulator): The idea is to rewrite the spatially varying steps in the first-generation model by introducing a spatially invariant basis expansion. We overcome the difficulty of translating from the Zernike coefficients to the new basis coefficients via the phase-to-space transform we invented. Our phase-to-space transform is implemented via a shallow neural network. By combining with the collapsed model, we offer 1000x speed-up compared to the traditional split-step propagation.

As an image processing / computer vision person, I will explain the turbulence physics using the language we are familiar with. I will discuss the potential benefits of the new simulators for future deep learning algorithms on this topic.


Stanley H. Chan is the Elmore Associate Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering at Purdue. He received the BEng degree in Electrical Engineering from the University of Hong Kong in 2007 and the PhD in Electrical Engineering from University of California, San Diego in 2011. Upon graduation, he went to Harvard and did a postdoc in Electrical Engineering and Statistics. Dr. Chan does research in photon-limited imaging and imaging through atmospheric turbulence. He is an associate editor of IEEE Transactions on Computational Imaging, and a former associate editor of OSA Optics Express. Dr. Chan is very pleased to share his undergraduate textbook Introduction to Probability for Data Science (https://probability4datascience.com/), which is a free textbook to all students around the world. He welcomes your feedback.

This talk is organized by Chris Metzler