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PhD Defense: Optimizing the accuracy of lightweight methods for short read alignment and quantification
Mohsen Zakeri
Tuesday, November 9, 2021, 1:00-3:00 pm Calendar
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The analysis of the high throughput sequencing (HTS) data includes a number of involved computational steps, ranging from the assembly of reference sequences, mapping or alignment of the reads to existing or assembled sequences, estimating the abundance of sequenced molecules, performing differential or comparative analysis between samples, and even inferring dynamics of interest from snapshot data. Many methods have been developed for these different tasks that provide various trade-offs in terms of accuracy and speed, because accuracy and robustness typically come at the expense of sacrificing speed and vice versa. In this work, I focus on the problems of alignment and quantification of RNA-seq data, and review different aspects of the available methods for these problems. I explore finding a reasonable balance between these competing goals, and introduce methods that provide accurate results without sacrificing speed.

Alignment or mapping of sequencing reads to known reference sequences is a challenging computational step in the RNA-seq pipeline mainly because of the large size of sample data and reference sequences, and highly-repetitive sequence. Recent quantification methods introduced the concept of lightweight alignment in order to accelerate the mapping step, and therefore, the whole quantification pipeline. I collaborated with my colleagues to explore some of the shortcomings of the lightweight alignment methods, and to address those with a new approach called the selective-alignment. Moreover, we introduce an aligner, Puffaligner, which benefits from both the indexing approach introduced by the Pufferfish index and also selective-alignment to producing accurate alignments in a short amount of time compared to other popular aligners.

To improve the speed of RNA-seq quantification given a collection of alignments, some tools group fragments (reads) into equivalence classes which are sets of fragments that are compatible with the same subset reference sequences. Summarizing the fragments into equivalence classes factorizes the likelihood function being optimized and increases the speed of the typical optimization algorithms deployed. I explore how this factorization affects the accuracy of abundance estimates, and propose a new factorization approach which demonstrates higher fidelity to the non-approximate model.

Finally, estimating the posterior distribution of the transcript expressions is a crucial step in finding robust and reliable estimates of transcript abundance in the presence of high levels of multi-mapping. To assess the accuracy of their point estimates, quantification tools generate inferential replicates using techniques such as Bootstrap sampling and Gibbs sampling. The utility of inferential replicates has been portrayed in different downstream RNA-seq applications, i.e., performing differential expression analysis. I explore how sampling from both observed and unobserved data points (reads) improves the accuracy of Bootstrap sampling. I demonstrate the utility of this approach in estimating allelic expression with RNA-seq reads, where the absence of unique mapping reads to reference transcripts is a major obstacle for calculating robust estimates.

Examining Committee:
Dean's Representative:
Dr. Rob Patro               
Dr. Michael Cummings 
Dr. Mihai Pop
Dr. Erin Molloy 
Dr. John Dickerson

Mohsen joined the PhD program at Stony Brook University in 2015 and then moved to the University of Maryland in 2019. He is mainly interested in working on problems related to sequence indexing, alignment, and quantification. During graduate school, he has been a member of Combine-lab where he has worked with Prof. Rob Patro and contributed to a variety of research projects regarding improving the performance of the RNA-seq quantification pipeline.

This talk is organized by Tom Hurst