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NTU Bioinformatics Researcher Panel
Chien-Yu Chen, Li-Yu Liu, Shih-Shun Lin - National Taiwan University
1130 Plant Sciences Bldg.
Monday, October 14, 2013, 3:00-6:00 pm Calendar
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Dr. Chien-Yu Chen, Associate Professor, Bio-Industrial Mechatronics Engineering, NTU;

Presentation Title: . De novo genome and transcriptome assembly


Dr. Li-Yu Liu, Assistant Professor, Department of Agronomy, Biometry Division, NTU;

Presentation Title:  Statistical analysis for transcriptomic data


Dr. Shih-Shun Lin, Head, Laboratory of Plant Molecular Biology and Virology, NTU Institute of Biotechnology;

Presentation Title:  Integrated-multiple NGS approaches for development a transcriptome-miRNA conjoining database in non-model species

This talk is organized by Mihai Pop