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SystemML: Declarative Machine Learning on MapReduce
Yuanyuan Tian - Research Staff Member at IBM Almaden Research Center
Friday, April 6, 2012, 11:00 am-12:00 pm Calendar
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MapReduce is emerging as a generic parallel programming paradigm for large clusters of machines. This trend combined with the growing need to run machine learning (ML) algorithms on massive datasets has led to an increased interest in implementing ML algorithms on MapReduce. However, the cost of implementing a large class of ML algorithms as low-level MapReduce jobs on varying data and machine cluster sizes can be prohibitive. In this talk, I will introduce SystemML in which ML algorithms are expressed in a higher-level language and are compiled and executed in a MapReduce environment. This higher-level language exposes several constructs including linear algebra primitives that constitute key building blocks for a broad class of supervised and unsupervised ML algorithms. The algorithms expressed in SystemML are compiled and optimized into a set of MapReduce jobs that can run efficiently on a cluster of machines. 


Yuanyuan Tian is a Research Staff Member at IBM Almaden Research Center. Her primary research area is large scale data processing and analytics. She received her PhD in Computer Science & Engineering from University of Michigan in 2008. She is the recipient of Distinguished Achievement Award from University of Michigan in 2008 for her research and academic accomplishments. 
This talk is organized by Abdul Quamar