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From Digital Footprints to Social Insights
Wednesday, April 16, 2014, 11:00 am-12:00 pm Calendar
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The pervasiveness of cell phones, mobile applications and social media is generating vast amounts of information that can reveal a wide range of human behavior. From mobility patterns to social connections, these signals expose insights about how humans behave and interact with their environment. While a lot of work has focused on analyzing behaviors, relatively little effort has been dedicated to understanding ways in which such findings could be useful to decision makers in areas like smart cities or public health. In this talk I will discuss two projects: (1) AlertImpact, an agent-based framework that uses geo-referenced cell phone data to model the impact of the preventive actions implemented by the Mexican government during the H1N1 flu outbreak and (2) TweetLand, a method to automatically identify urban land uses and landmarks (point of interest) using tweeting patterns.


Vanessa Frias-Martinez is an assistant professor in the iSchool at the University of Maryland. She received her M.Sc. and Ph.D. degrees in Computer Science from Columbia University. Vanessa is interested in social computing, with a focus on the intersection between big data and social development. From 2009 to 2013, she was a researcher in the Data Mining and User Modeling Group at Telefonica Research in Madrid, Spain.

This talk is organized by Jimmy Lin