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Security at Scale
Thursday, October 16, 2014, 11:00 am-12:00 pm Calendar
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Yahoo operates at massive scale, with around a billion users, 170+ petabytes of mail, and approximately 30 billion emails sent daily.  Those users and their data need to be protected from harm, so they will continue to trust Yahoo.

There are big challenges around protecting users at Yahoo scale. We must detect and stop attacks on our systems as well as attempts to steal our users data. Detection can involve identifying the relevant signals in data whose size can range from moderate to massive.  The time frame to stop attacks can range from hours to months. We are constantly monitoring the latest developments in security and working on mechanisms to detect and stop attacks. This talk will focus on how Information Security at Yahoo approaches the challenges Yahoo faces.



Anders Beitnes, Lead embedded Paranoid at Yahoo, http://www.linkedin.com/in/andersbeitnes/

Anders is a security researcher by passion and profession. He became interested in security through the comp.risks Usenet group. He is currently working as a Paranoid at Yahoo. Prior to Yahoo, he worked on embedded CAs for VPNs at Nokia. He has about 6 years of experience in application security engineering & testing and has worked on securing Hadoop, OpenStack, and numerous other open source technologies at Yahoo. Anders has a BS in Computer Science and a BA in Business Economics from the University of California, Santa Barbara. He has spoken at Black Hat.


This talk is organized by Carolyn Flowers