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HCIL Brown Bag: Open Government Data and Civic Applications: What would successful collaboration look like?
HCIL (2105 Hornbake Building, South Wing)
Thursday, April 16, 2015, 12:30-1:30 pm Calendar
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A growing number of governments are opening their data to the general public. The hope is that citizens and business will be able to transform the data into insights, services, and products that will provide social and economic value. Grassroots organizations and non-profits have begun to make use of the data through the development of civic applications. In this talk I focus on a network of 48 city level organizations. I compare these organizations to the open-source software community. By analyzing GitHub repositories, I evaluate how many civic applications are being created, how many people are involved, and how many of these projects last. Finally I imagine how community design, collaboration tools, and crowdsourcing techniques could be leveraged to better support distributed analysis of open government data.  

This talk is organized by Daniel Pauw