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Local Structure and Determinism in Probabilistic Databases
Friday, May 11, 2012, 3:00-4:00 pm Calendar
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Authors:  Theodoros Rekatsinas, Amol Deshpande, Lise Getoor

Venue: To appear in SIGMOD 2012


While extensive work has been done on evaluating queries over
tuple-independent probabilistic databases, query evaluation over
correlated data has received much less attention even though the
support for correlations is essential for many natural applications
of probabilistic databases, e.g., information extraction, data integration,
computer vision, etc. In this paper, we develop a novel
approach for efficiently evaluating probabilistic queries over correlated
databases where correlations are represented using a factor
graph, a class of graphical models widely used for capturing correlations
and performing statistical inference. Our approach exploits
the specific values of the factor parameters and the determinism
in the correlations, collectively called local structure, to reduce
the complexity of query evaluation. Our framework is based on
arithmetic circuits, factorized representations of probability distributions
that can exploit such local structure. Traditionally, arithmetic
circuits are generated following a compilation process and
can not be updated directly. We introduce a generalization of arithmetic
circuits, called annotated arithmetic circuits, and a novel algorithm
for updating them, which enables us to answer probabilistic
queries efficiently. We present a comprehensive experimental
analysis and show speed-ups of at least one order of magnitude in
many cases.


This talk is organized by Abdul Quamar