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Accurate interpretation of solution scattering data for proteins: influence of solvent modeling
Alexander Grishaev - NIH/NIST
Monday, November 9, 2015, 4:00-5:00 pm Calendar
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Solution X-ray scattering is becoming an increasingly important component of structural biology studies due to its ability to characterize systems challenging for such established experimental biophysical techniques as X-ray crystallography or NMR. For example, solution scattering data are expected to be particularly useful as structural restraints in studies of flexible or dynamic systems or micelle-embedded membrane proteins. With such applications in mind it becomes particularly important to maximize both the information content and fidelity of modeling of the X-ray scattering data. In this talk we will describe approaches to address these issues that highlight importance of appropriate treatment of the solvent the macromolecule is embedded in. These approaches will be validated by monitoring the ability to discriminate between the candidate structural models based on fit of the SAXS data.

This talk is organized by Star Jackson