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Tedsuto: A General Framework for Testing Dynamic Software Updates
Friday, April 8, 2016, 1:00-2:00 pm Calendar
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Dynamic software updating (DSU) is a technique for patching running programs, to fix bugs or add new features. DSU avoids the downtime of stop-and-restart updates, but creates new risks-an incorrect or ill-timed dynamic update could result in a crash or misbehavior, defeating the whole purpose of DSU. To reduce such risks, dynamic updates should be carefully tested before they are deployed. This talk presents Tedsuto, a general testing framework for DSU, along with a concrete implementation of it for Rubah, a state-of-the-art Java-based DSU system. Tedsuto uses system-level tests developed for the old and new versions of the updateable software, and systematically tests whether a dynamic update might result in a test failure. Very often this process is fully automated, while in some cases (e.g., to test new-version functionality) some manual annotations are required. To evaluate Tedsuto's efficacy, we applied it to dynamic updates previously developed (and tested in an ad hoc manner) for the H2 SQL database server and the CrossFTP server- two real-world, multithreaded systems. We used three large test suites, totalling 446 tests, and we found a variety of update-related bugs in short order, and at low cost.

Joint work with Michael Hicks.


Luis earned his PhD from the Information Systems and Computer Engineering at Instituto Superior Técnico, Lisbon, in 2016. He was part of the PLUM group at University of Maryland from 2012 to 2015, and part of the ESW group at INESC-ID in Lisbon from 2009 to 2012. He developed my thesis work on Dynamic Software Updating (DSU) under the supervision of Prof. Michael Hicks at UMD and Prof. Luís Veiga at IST. Currently, he has a post-doctoral position at the SRG Group at Imperial College London, working with Cristian Cadar.

This talk is organized by Mike Hicks