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Unifying gate-synthesis and magic state distillation
Earl Campbell - University of Sheffield
Wednesday, November 9, 2016, 11:00 am-12:00 pm Calendar
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The leading paradigm for performing computation on quantum memories can be encapsulated as distill-then-synthesize. Initially, one performs several rounds of distillation to create high-fidelity magic states that provide one good T-gate, an essential quantum logic gate. Subsequently, gate synthesis intersperses many T-gates with Clifford gates to realise a desired circuit. We introduce a unified framework that implements one round of distillation and multi-qubit gate synthesis in a single step. Typically, our method uses the same number of T-gates as conventional synthesis, but with the added benefit of quadratic error suppression. Because of this, one less round of magic state distillation needs to be performed, leading to significant resource savings.  This new perspective also led us towards new efficient algorithms for reducing the T-count in this family of multi-qubit circuits.

arXiv:1606.01906 and arXiv:1606.01904

This talk is organized by Javiera Caceres