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Whose Caffeine Reigns Supreme? An AV Williams Coffee Event
Students, faculty and staff in CS, UMIACS, ISR and ECE
Monday, May 14, 2018, 2:00-5:00 pm Calendar
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A Coffee Tasting/Drinking Event to celebrate the end of Spring Semester 2018 and stimulate your finals week studies!

Hosts:  The Institute for Systems Research


            Department of Computer Science

            Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering

We will be hosting a three-hour coffee hour the afternoon of May 14th during which premiere coffees from four different nationally renowned roasters will be available for your consumption.

Coffees will be served elegantly, in 100% compostable cups, brewed via the latest industrial methods—but presently double-blindly, labeled only by a prime number.  For those wishing to participate, we will be attempting to apply social choice theory to determine the preferences of the group: whose caffeine reigns supreme?  Ballots will be available with which those that sample multiple coffees can qualitatively record their preferences among those they sample.  Identities of the four coffees will be revealed at 5:00 pm.  Results of the voting on coffee preferences will be announced once the votes are tallied. 

For those wishing to bring their own French Presses, pour overs and cold-extraction systems, fresh grounds will be available.  We realize that some may not enjoy coffee or need to avoid caffeine, etc. and a variety of non-caffeinated and non-coffee alternatives will be available. 

DISCLAIMER: This is a strictly voluntary activity; no participation waivers are required and no human subjects research protocols apply.  Any and all allusions to the TV Show “Iron Chef” (the original Japanese version, of course) are purely intentional.  Survey instruments regarding coffee preferences are strictly optional, not subject to IRB, and designed for amusement purposes only; any knowledge of game theory or social choice acquired during this process will be incidental.  Subjects can stop consuming coffee at any time or choose only to consume cookies.  The hosts disclaim any negative impact that coffee consumption will have on final performance yet will take credit for any and all positive effects. No wagering. 

WARNING: Contents Hot.

This talk is organized by Rebecca Copeland