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Understanding optimization in neural networks
Friday, September 21, 2018, 11:00 am-12:00 pm Calendar
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This talk explores a number of different issues related to optimization for neural networks. I begin by exploring the loss functions of neural networks using visualization methods. I demonstrate how network design choices have a surprisingly strong effect on the structure of neural loss functions, and well-designed networks have loss functions with very simple, nearly convex, geometry.  Then, I look at situations where the local convexity (or lack thereof) of neural loss functions can be exploited to build effective optimizers for difficult training problems, such as GANs and binary neural networks.  Next, I investigate ways that optimization can be used to exploit neural networks and create security risks. I will discuss the concept of "adversarial examples," in which small perturbations to test images can completely alter the behavior of neural networks that act on those images.  I introduce a new type of "poisoning attack," in which neural networks are attacked at train time instead of test time. Finally, I ask a fundamental question about neural network security:  Are adversarial examples inevitable?  By approaching this question from a theoretical perspective, I then provide a rigorous analysis of the susceptibility of neural networks to attacks. 


My research lies at the intersection of optimization and distributed computing, and targets applications in machine learning and image processing. I design optimization methods for a wide range of platforms. This includes powerful cluster/cloud computing environments for machine learning and computer vision, in addition to resource limited integrated circuits and FPGAs for real-time signal processing. My research takes an integrative approach that jointly considers theory, algorithms, and hardware to build practical, high-performance systems. Before joining the faculty at Maryland, I completed my PhD in Mathematics at UCLA, and was a research scientist at Rice University and Stanford University. I have been the recipient of several awards, including SIAM’s DiPrima Prize, a DARPA Young Faculty Award, and a Sloan Fellowship.

This talk is organized by Brandi Adams