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Modular Architectures for Quantum Systems
Zachary Eldredge - JQI and QuICS
Friday, September 21, 2018, 12:00-12:45 pm Calendar
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As we seek to scale up small quantum devices into general-purpose quantum computers, we will need to develop also the tools for designing large-scale architectures. In this talk I will discuss some of the challenges involved in trying to evaluate different potential architectures and introduce a family of graphs called hierarchies which seem like excellent candidates. I will then describe the process of benchmarking quantum architectures by using entanglement measures to define the capability of the network to create large, highly-entangled states, describing how this can be done in both unitary and non-unitary cases.

Notes: Lunch served at 12:00 pm, talk at 12:15 pm.

This talk is organized by Andrea F. Svejda