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Information session: Lockheed Martin AlphaPilot dracing competition
Tuesday, February 12, 2019, 5:00-7:00 pm Calendar
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Learn more about the Lockheed Martin AlphaPilot dracing competition at this special information session.

AlphaPilot is paving the way for autonomous drone racing. We're partnering with The Drone Racing League and NVIDIA to proide the best computing, fastest drones, and most exciting venues possible.

The Challenge
Develop artificial intelligence capable of flying a drone without any human intervention or navigational pre-programming.

Team up and sign up
Teams can have up to 10 members (18+) in any combination of students, professors, government or industry employees. Register your team at HeroX.com/alphapilot.

The drone
Onboard Jetson GPU
Multiple sensor inputs
Inertial measurement units with Beta Flight

Development kit
AI/machine learning simulator
Course and drone models
Drone hardware fixtures for testing
Sample code
Historical drone telemetry from DRL events

Course data
Infrared fiducial guidance
Optimized lighting +
Course maps released in advance

Nov. 2018–Feb. 2019 Form teams and register
Feb.–March 2019 Qualification round; final teams down selected
May–July 2019 Team mentoring and workshops
Late summer 2019 Drones race through DRL's new AIRR circuit

This talk is organized by Rebecca Copeland