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Mitigating Attacks on Encrypted Databases via Adjustable Leakage
Ioannis Demertzis
Friday, May 10, 2019, 1:00-2:00 pm Calendar
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Searchable encryption (SE) allows a client to outsource a dataset to an untrusted server while enabling the server to answer various queries, such as point queries or range queries, in a private manner. SE schemes have proven to be very practical at the expense of well-defined leakages such as search and access pattern. Nevertheless, a plethora of attacks in the literature utilize these leakages to recover the dataset or search queries. Defenses against such leakage-abuse attacks typically require the use of Oblivious RAM or padding the query result with a large number of dummy entries---such countermeasures are however quite impractical. 
In order to efficiently defend against such leakage-abuse attacks, we propose new a SE scheme with adjustable leakage. That is, the amount of privacy loss expressed in leaked bits of search or access patterns can be defined at setup. This allows us to effectively defend against (existing) leakage-abuse attacks, without sacrificing performance: As our experiments show, when our constructions are setup to protect only a few bits of leakage, enough for most attacks to fail, they enjoy performance close to traditional (non-adjustable) SE.
This talk is organized by Aria