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The Mathematics of Muffins: Nobody Wants a Small Piece
Friday, November 15, 2019, 1:00-2:00 pm Calendar
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Book by

William Gasarch, Erik Metz, Jacob Prinz, Daniel Smolyak


Consider the following problem:


You have 5 muffins and 3 students.

You want to divide the muffins evenly so that everyone gets 5/3 muffins.

You can clearly divide each muffin in 3 pieces and give each person 5/3.

NOTE- the smallest piece is of size 1/3.


Is there a procedure where the smallest piece is BIGGER than 1/3?

Can we get exact bounds?

(Spoiler Alert: Yes and Yes)


What about 3 muffins and 5 students?

You want to divide the muffins evenly so that everyone gets 3/5 muffins.

You can clearly divide each muffin in 5 pieces and give each person 3/5.

NOTE- the smallest piece is of size 1/5.


Is there a procedure where the smallest piece is BIGGER than 1/5?

Can we get exact bounds?

(Spoiler Alert: Yes and Yes)


The two problems above are easy in that I suspect you could solve them.

They lead to a technique called The Floor Ceiling Method.

Does the Floor Ceiling Method solve all cases?  No.


The first case it fails on is 11 muffins, 5 students. That lead to The Half Method.

The first case that neither the Floor-Ceiling Method, nor the Half method worked on is....




In our book, and in this talk, we discuss many techniques to solve

such problem for the general case of m muffins and s student.

This talk is organized by Ahmed Abdelkader