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Pictorial Proofs Using ZX-Calculus
Yusuf Alnawakhtha
Virtual - https://umd.zoom.us/j/93284680492?pwd=RHEvWGtoSk03T2FLblh0bkFldHNYQT09
Monday, September 14, 2020, 2:00-3:00 pm Calendar
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In this talk, we will briefly explore the use of monoidal categories in quantum information. Namely we will introduce the ZX-Calculus which is a diagrammatic formalism that strives to enhance intuition by providing pictorial proofs and we will provide examples of how some proofs can be simplified using this framework. Later in the talk, we will go over a recent application of ZX-Calculus in fault tolerant quantum computing and how it was used to provide the intuition for this result.

This talk is organized by Yusuf Alnawakhtha