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On the Design, Implementation, and Use of Laziness in R
Tuesday, October 6, 2020, 4:15-5:15 pm Calendar
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The R programming language has been lazy for over twenty-five years. This paper presents a review of the design and implementation of call-by-need in R, and a data-driven study of how generations of programmers have put laziness to use in their code. We analyze 16,707 packages and observe the creation of 270.9 B promises. Our data suggests that there is little supporting evidence to assert that programmers use laziness to avoid unnecessary computation or to operate over infinite data structures. For the most part R code appears to have been written without reliance on, and in many cases even knowledge of, delayed argument evaluation. The only significant exception is a small number of packages which leverage call-by-need for meta-programming.

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I am a third year Computer Science Ph.D. student at Northeastern University. I am a member of the Programming Research Laboratory. I am interested in all aspects related to the design and implementation of programming languages. Currently, I am studying laziness (call-by-need) in R.

This talk is organized by Ian Sweet