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Local Type Inference
Tuesday, November 3, 2020, 4:15-5:00 pm Calendar
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We study two partial type inference methods for a language combining subtyping and impredicative polymorphism. Both methods are local in the sense that missing annotations are recovered using only information from adjacent nodes in the syntax tree, without long-distance constraints such as unification variables. One method infers type arguments in polymorphic applications using a local constraint solver. The other infers annotations on bound variables in function abstractions by propagating type constraints downward from enclosing application nodes. We motivate our design choices by a statistical analysis of the uses of type inference in a sizable body of existing ML code.

Paper: https://www.cis.upenn.edu/~bcpierce/papers/lti-toplas.pdf
Zoom: https://umd.zoom.us/j/98723227318?pwd=K0RJZVZZM1Jhd2laMlg1ajgvUjltQT09


Henry is a PhD student advised by David Van Horn. Interests: implementation and design of programming languages for formal verification, theoretical foundations, and practical software development.

This talk is organized by Ian Sweet