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Dependent Type Systems as Macros
Yiyun Liu - University of Maryland, College Park
Tuesday, November 10, 2020, 4:15-5:00 pm Calendar
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We present Turnstile+, a high-level, macros-based metaDSL for building dependently typed languages. With it, programmers may rapidly prototype and iterate on the design of new dependently typed features and extensions. Or they may create entirely new DSLs whose dependent type "power" is tailored to a specific domain. Our framework’s support of language-oriented programming also makes it suitable for experimenting with systems of interacting components, e.g., a proof assistant and its companion DSLs. This paper explains the implementation details of Turnstile+, as well as how it may be used to create a wide-variety of dependently typed languages, from a lightweight one with indexed types, to a full spectrum proof assistant, complete with a tactic system and extensions for features like sized types and SMT interaction.

Paper: https://dl.acm.org/doi/10.1145/3371071
Zoom: https://umd.zoom.us/j/98723227318?pwd=K0RJZVZZM1Jhd2laMlg1ajgvUjltQT09


Yiyun is a Master’s student advised by Mike Hicks, and working closely with Niki Vazou. He is interested in verifying security properties of formal systems and implementing verification tools. Recently his focus has been on adding typeclass refinements to Liquid Haskell.

This talk is organized by Ian Sweet