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Automating Censorship Evasion
Kevin Bock
Monday, October 26, 2020, 2:00-3:00 pm Calendar
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Researchers and censoring regimes have long engaged in a cat-and-mouse game, leading to increasingly sophisticated Internet-scale censorship techniques and methods to evade them. Recently, we developed Geneva, a novel genetic algorithm that evolves packet-manipulation-based censorship evasion strategies against nation-state level censors. By automating the censorship evasion process, Geneva has opened the door for researchers to respond quickly to new censorship events. In this talk, I will discuss the challenges and what we’ve learned this past year using Geneva for rapid censorship response against new censorship systems in Iran, China, and India. I will conclude this talk by discussing ongoing work with Geneva, and new forms of censorship evasion.

This talk is organized by Kelsey Fulton