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Utilizing NLP to better understand science
Virtual - https://umd.zoom.us/j/93207947099?pwd=c096Z3JrZ1FGSXVEVjFWL29PQUV1dz09
Wednesday, May 5, 2021, 11:00 am-12:00 pm Calendar
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In this informal talk I discuss some examples in which we can get NLP to assist us to better understand the implicit epistemological and ontological assumptions of some scientific results and reasoning. I also discuss some cultural examples. 


Babak Fotouhi is an assistant professor at the UMD iSchool, after an educational and research trajectory that passed through the departments of physics, electrical engineering, sociology, and evolutionary and organismic biology. His research interests include using NLP to study culture and questions in philosophy of science, and his methodological expertise is the mathematics and statistics of large networks. 


This talk is organized by Wei Ai