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Quantum Lambda Calculus
Monday, March 1, 2021, 12:00-12:45 pm Calendar
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PDF. https://www.monoidal.net/papers/qlambdabook.pdf

Title. Quantum Lambda Calculus

Abtract. The lambda calculus, developed in the 1930’s by Church and Curry, is a formalism for expressing higher-order functions. In a nutshell, a higher-order function is a function that inputs or outputs a “black box”, which is itself a (possibly higher-order) function. Higher-order functions are a computationally powerful tool. Indeed, the pure untyped lambda calculus has the same computational power as Turing machines [Tur36]. At the same time, higher-order functions are a useful abstraction for programmers. They form the basis of functional programming languages such as LISP, ML, Scheme, and Haskell.



This talk is organized by Henry Blanchette