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Mesh: Compacting Memory Management for C/C++ Applications
Temur Saidkhodjaev - PLUM Lab
Monday, April 12, 2021, 12:00-12:45 pm Calendar
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Title. Mesh: Compacting Memory Management for C/C++ Applications.

Arxiv. https://arxiv.org/abs/1902.04738

YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c1UBJbfR-H0

Abstract. Programs written in C/C++ can suffer from serious memory fragmentation, leading to low utilization of memory, degraded performance, and application failure due to memory exhaustion. This paper introduces Mesh, a plug-in replacement for malloc that, for the first time, eliminates fragmentation in unmodified C/C++ applications. Mesh combines novel randomized algorithms with widely-supported virtual memory operations to provably reduce fragmentation, breaking the classical Robson bounds with high probability. Mesh generally matches the runtime performance of state-of-the-art memory allocators while reducing memory consumption; in particular, it reduces the memory of consumption of Firefox by 16% and Redis by 39%.



This talk is organized by Henry Blanchette