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Alireza Farhadi
Thursday, November 18, 2021, 12:00-2:00 pm Calendar
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With the rise of big data, there is a growing need to solve optimization tasks on massive datasets. Running optimization tasks on large-scale datasets can be quite challenging as classical algorithms often have unrealistic assumptions about the data. For example, classical algorithms often assume that the computing machines have enough memory to store all the input. However, in the era of big data, we often face massive datasets that are too large to fit into the computer’s memory.

In this thesis, we study fundamental problems in computer science such as maximum matching, sorting, edit distance, longest common subsequence. We consider two popular models to deal with massive inputs. The first model is the streaming model in which the input is represented as a sequence of items and the algorithm is only allowed to store a sub-linear portion of the input. In this thesis, we present single-pass approximation algorithms for the maximum matching, longest common subsequence, and edit distance in the streaming model.

The other model that we consider is the external memory model. In this model, the input is stored on external memory (such as cloud storage, hard drive, etc.), and the size of the input can be significantly larger than the main memory of the computing machines. In this thesis, we present a tight conditional lower bound on the complexity of external memory sorting of integers.

Examining Committee:
Dean's Representative:
Dr. MohammadTaghi Hajiaghayi               
Dr. Lawrence A. Ausubel
Dr.  John Dickerson
Dr. David Mount 
Dr. Christos Papadimitriou

Dr. Aviad Rubinstein
Dr. Elaine Shi

Alireza is a Ph.D. student in Computer Science advised by MohammadTaghi Hajiaghayi. He will join Carnegie Mellon University as a postdoctoral researcher in Spring 2022. His research is mainly focused on Fairness, Big Data, and Privacy. During his Ph.D., his research has been supported by the Ann G. Wylie Dissertation Fellowship and the Facebook Ph.D. Fellowship for economics and computation.

This talk is organized by Tom Hurst