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Proof-oriented Programming for High-assurance Systems
virtual: https://umd.zoom.us/j/93825468763?pwd=UXlYZmVkVndXb1owMkpYb2tOQjZFQT09
Monday, February 21, 2022, 11:00 am-12:00 pm Calendar
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Programming critical systems with proofs, a long-standing goal of computer science, is beginning to come within reach of modern programming languages and proof assistants. I provide a brief overview of recent accomplishments in this space, related to work in the F* proof assistant and Project Everest, one of its flagship applications. Programs developed in F* with proofs of correctness & security are now deployed in wide variety of settings, ranging from Microsoft Windows and Hyper-V, Microsoft Azure, the Linux kernel, Firefox, mbedTLS, and several other production systems.


I’ll also provide a general overview of research in programming languages and software engineering at Microsoft Research and the RiSE group, in particular.


Nikhil Swamy is a Senior Principal Researcher in the RiSE group at MSR Redmond. His work covers topics including type systems, program logics, functional programming, program verification and interactive theorem proving.

This talk is organized by David Van Horn