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Time Travel in a Scientific Array Database
Presented By: Souvik Bhattacherjee - University of Maryland at College Park
Tuesday, April 2, 2013, 2:00-3:00 pm Calendar
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Authors: Emad Soroush and Magdalena Balazinska, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, University of Washington, Seattle



In this paper, we present TimeArr, a new storage
manager for an array database. TimeArr supports the creation of
a sequence of versions of each stored array and their exploration
through two types of time travel operations: selection of a
specific version of a (sub)-array and a more general extraction
of a (sub)-array history, in the form of a series of (sub)-array
versions. TimeArr contributes a combination of array-specific
storage techniques to efficiently support these operations. To
speed-up array exploration, TimeArr further introduces two
additional techniques. The first is the notion of approximate
time travel with two types of operations: approximate version
selection and approximate history. For these operations, users
can tune the degree of approximation tolerable and thus trade-off
accuracy and performance in a principled manner. The second
is to lazily create short connections, called skip links, between
the same (sub)-arrays at different versions with similar data
patterns to speed up the selection of a specific version. We
implement TimeArr within the SciDB array processing engine
and demonstrate its performance through experiments on two
real datasets from the astronomy and earth sciences domains.


This talk is organized by Abdul Quamar