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Topological gauge theory for mixed Dirac stationary states in all dimensions
Zemin Huang - University of Maryland
Friday, September 23, 2022, 12:00-1:00 pm Calendar
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Topological mixed quantum states in or out of equilibrium can arise in open quantum systems. Their linear responses are generally non-quantized, even though quantized topological invariants can be defined. In this talk, I will present a real-time U(1) topological gauge field action capable of reconciling this paradoxical phenomenology. In addition to non-quantized linear responses, this action encodes quantized non-linear responses associated with mixed state topology. Also, this construction demonstrates how the physical pictures of anomaly inflow and bulk-boundary correspondence extend to non-equilibrium systems.

(Pizza and refreshments will be served after the talk.)

This talk is organized by Andrea F. Svejda