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Challenges in Engineering Education in India and Opportunities at IIIT-Delhi
Friday, May 17, 2013, 11:00 am-12:00 pm Calendar
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Challenges in Engineering Education in India and Opportunities at IIIT-Delhi

Pankaj Jalote

Professor and Director

Indraprastha Institute of Information Technology (IIIT) Delhi

New Delhi

The challenges faced by countries like India in engineering education tend to be different from those in developed countries. This talk will discuss the challenge of growth and scale,  quality and faculty, and  the R&D ecosystem. Within the R&D ecosystem challenge, it will discuss the role of research and research universities, issue of PhD production, the importance of relevant industry, and appropriateness of research agenda. 

The second part of the talk will discuss the background of IIIT-Delhi, its current state, and the exciting opportunity it offers to young researchers who want to make a mark in academics from India.


This talk is organized by Jeff Foster