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Inspiring Science with Music
Xiaodi Wu & Maissam Barkeshli, with musical performances by Lucy Liuxuan Zhang & Benjamin Himpel (QuICS, CMTC/Physics, Reutlingen University/University of Plymouth)
Friday, April 28, 2023, 1:00-2:15 pm Calendar
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This event is a special interdisciplinary science-music presentation-performance. It features quantum/mathematician-musicians improvising music freely on the following scientific contents in real time. The musicians add an artistic dimension to the speakers’ science. The event aims to bring people and ideas together, for a cool interdisciplinary experience and to spark creativity.

Xiaodi Wu (QuICS)

Title: Bridging Physics, Machine Learning, and Quantum Information through the Lens of Symmetry

Abstract: Symmetries in Nature, and inherently in any description of Nature, have greatly shaped the development of modern physics as well as machine learning. In this lightning talk, I will share some observations on how symmetries play such a role in both fields. Moreover, I will share some speculations about the potential of leveraging development in one field to help with the other. This talk contains more questions than answers and hopefully could be inspiring.

Maissam Barkeshli (CMTC/Physics)

Title: Higher symmetry and quantum states

Abstract: Our understanding of symmetry in quantum systems has evolved significantly over the past decade. We now understand that symmetry in quantum field theory is generally described by a higher categorical structure, with invertible symmetries being described by higher groups. Logical operations in fault-tolerant quantum codes can be understood as special cases of higher symmetries acting on quantum many-body states. I will give a brief overview of some of these ideas.

With musical performances by violinist Lucy Liuxuan Zhang (QuICS) & saxophonist Benjamin Himpel (Reutlingen University/University of Plymouth). Both musical performers are also scientists/mathematicians.

Please note that space is limited.

RSVP by Monday, April 24.

(Snacks and refreshments will be provided after the presentation-performance.)

Please RSVP at this link: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfnrqDI9Vj9xjYZS1-Ud8jmZCIS47CiN52jwXyCH76RxV_DIQ/viewform?usp=sf_link

This talk is organized by Andrea F. Svejda