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The Past, Present and Future of Immersive Technologies
Mahmud Hasan
AV Williams 3258 zoom link-
Friday, May 5, 2023, 3:00-4:00 pm Calendar
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Immersive technologies are rapidly changing the way we interact with the world around us. From virtual reality (VR) to augmented reality (AR), these technologies are creating new and exciting ways to learn, work, and play. In the past, immersive technologies were largely confined to the realm of science fiction. However, in recent years, these technologies have made significant progress and are now becoming more mainstream. VR headsets are now available for consumers at a relatively affordable price, and AR is being used in a variety of applications, such as gaming, education, and training. The future of immersive technologies is very bright. As the technology continues to develop, it will become even more affordable and accessible. This will lead to even more innovative applications, and immersive technologies will become an integral part of our lives. In this talk, I will discuss the past, present, and future of immersive technologies. I will talk about the history of these technologies, their current applications, and their potential future. I will also discuss the challenges and opportunities associated with immersive technologies.


Dr. Hasan completed his bachelor’s and master’s from University of Dhaka, Bangladesh and joined Old Dominion University, VA in 2015 for the Ph.D. program in Modeling and Simulation Engineering. The goal of his Ph.D. dissertation was to research emerging technologies like augmented reality and virtual reality and utilize them to enhance microscopic traffic simulation. He not only utilized AR/VR but also other existing gaming and networking technologies to create an experimental and testing platform for microscopic traffic simulation. Those research works culminated in three journal publications and several conference and poster presentations. He graduated and received his doctorate degree in 2021. Before graduation, he worked as an Extended Reality (XR) Developer Intern at VARtech LLc. And then joined DEKA Research & Development, NH as a full-time simulation software engineer and worked with game engines to create a simulation environment for testing an autonomous package delivery robot. Since he always enjoyed teaching and research, he decided to join Southern New Hampshire University (SNHU) as a Game Programming Instructor in 2022. He teaches computer programming, data structures and game development related courses.


Dr. Hasan is also active in scholarly activities to improve student engagement and retention at SNHU. As a faculty, his goal is to utilize gaming and emerging technologies to improve student learning experience. His research interest lies mostly in the areas of Serious games, Blockchain games, Augmented Reality (AR), Virtual Reality (VR), and simulation for Education, Training, Transportation, Business and Medical Technologies.


I am passionate about teaching game development, VR/AR and eagerly waiting for the day we experience full-immersion. I have been extensively working with Unity and C# for 6+ years. In Unity, I have done XR management, level design, scene development, asset management and integration, scripting, UI development, single-player/ multi-player networking, VR/ AR development, shader graph, animation, particle systems, game physics, SCORM API, etc. I have developed for different types of devices like Oculus Quest, HTC Vive, Oculus Rift and Microsoft HoloLens. I have conducted UX research using qualitative and quantitative methods for validation. I was also the demo team leader of the Computational Modeling and Simulation Engineering department at Old Dominion University. I have demonstrated work at different conferences including I/ITSEC at Orlando in 2017 and 2018.


This talk is organized by Richa Mathur