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Visual Imagination in the 3D Physical World
Shenlong Wang - University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
IRB 4105 or zoom: https://umd.zoom.us/j/7316339020
Monday, September 25, 2023, 11:00 am-12:00 pm
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My long-term research goal is to enable computers to construct highly realistic and easily authored 3D digital twins of the physical world and to produce new, photorealistic, and physics-informed visual content, often referred to as “imagination”. This talk will summarize two recent directions our group has taken toward this goal. Firstly, I will discuss the generation of realistic movies that depict physical phenomena in real-world scenes captured on video. For instance, visualize how the local children’s park might appear during a flood or after a heavy snowstorm. Current generative models face challenges in such scenarios due to inconsistencies and a lack of physical feasibility. We believe that integrating physics-informed simulations with neural scene representations is the answer. I will showcase how to combine these techniques to simulate coherent, realistic, and physically plausible extreme climate effects and relighting effects for visual scenes. Next, I will introduce a novel robot imagination paradigm that can seamlessly merge the physical world with simulation. I’ll present “Sim-on-Wheels,” a safe and realistic vehicle-in-loop simulation framework. Sim-on-Wheels operates on a self-driving vehicle in the real world, generating virtual traffic participants exhibiting risky behaviors. It then seamlessly integrates these virtual events into images captured from the physical environment in real-time. I will explain how these manipulated images from Sim-on-Wheels are fed into an autonomous system in real time, enabling the evaluation of autonomous vehicle performance under safety-critical scenarios in the real world. Finally, I will provide a brief personal perspective on open research topics related to photorealistic 3D modeling and visual content creation.


Shenlong Wang is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Computer Science at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, specializing in computer vision and robotics. His recent research focuses on creating a digital replica of the world and simulating realistic new contents for various applications. Shenlong’s past work received the IROS Best Application Award Finalist and the CVPR Best Paper Candidate. His contributions to self-driving, 3D modeling and simulation technologies have led to the filing of over 25 patents. Shenlong was selected as the recipient of the Intel and Amazon Research Award, as well as various fellowships from Facebook, Adobe, and the Royal Bank of Canada. He regularly serves as an area chair for conferences in computer vision, robotics, and machine learning. 

This talk is organized by Samuel Malede Zewdu