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Normal-Form Games at Scale
Tuesday, October 17, 2023, 1:00-2:00 pm
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Normal-form Games (NFGs) are the backbone of game theory. They are well-studied and have established solution concepts such as Nash, correlated, and coarse correlated equilibria. Traditionally, research has focused on solving NFGs precisely, one at a time, with iterative solvers. Recent work attempts to solve these games using paradigms suitable for machine learning: quickly and approximately, with function approximation. This talk will be split into two sections, first I will establish some useful properties of NFGs that can be exploited in a machine learning context: an equilibrium-invariant embedding for NFGs which simplifies representation and sampling. Secondly I will describe a neural network architecture for very quickly computing (C)CEs in n-player general-sum games. Finally, I will explain why solving NFGs at scale could be an important component in solving temporal game formulations like Markov Games at scale, in a principled manner.


Luke is a Research Engineer at DeepMind and a PhD candidate at University College London. He is interested in developing principled, general, and scalable multi-agent learning algorithms, where a) principled means game theoretic, perhaps with convergence proofs, unique solutions, or involving solution concepts, b) general means n-player and general-sum, and c) scalable means, largish number of players, tractable in complex domains, extensive-form, partially observed, and can leverage RL and function approximation. Luke's favourite solution concepts are correlated equilibria and coarse-correlated equilibria. Some previous work includes Capture the FlagJoint Policy-Space Response OraclesNeural Equilibrium Solvers, and Normal-Form Game Embeddings.


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This talk is organized by Saptarashmi Bandyopadhyay