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Using AI for classification of software vulnerabilities and malware detection
Katerina Goseva-Popstojanova
Tuesday, October 24, 2023, 12:30-1:30 pm
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At reading group tomorrow, 10/24, we have an invited speaker, Katerina Goseva-Popstojanova from West Virginia University, who will give a talk entitled "Using AI for classification of software vulnerabilities and malware detection." Hope to see you there at 12:30pm in IRB 5105 or on Zoom! If you want lunch, please fill out this form before 10am tomorrow.


Abstract: Today’s society heavily relies on dependable operation of software and systems. Dr. Goseva- Popstojanova’s research is focused on development of experimental, analytical, and AI techniques for quantitative assessment and assurance of reliable and secure software and systems. This talk will be centered on two recent research efforts: (1) characterization and automatic classification of software vulnerabilities and (2) malware detection using multimodal machine learning.


Dr. Katerina Goseva-Popstojanova is a Professor at the Lane Department of Computer Science and Electrical Engineering, West Virginia University, Morgantown, WV, USA. Her research interests are in the areas of software engineering, cybersecurity, applied data analytics, and higher education in these areas. She received the National Science Foundation (NSF) CAREER award in 2005 and has served as a Principal Investigator on various NSF, NASA, Department of Defense (DoD), and industry funded projects. She is serving as an Academic Coordinator of the M.S. in Software Engineering program and leading the B.S. in Cybersecurity program at West Virginia University. She serves as an Associate Editor of the IEEE Transactions on Reliability and was a Program co-Chair of ISSRE 2007 and QRS 2021, and a General co-Chair of ISSRE 2022.

This talk is organized by Wentao Guo