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Mastering the Game of Stratego with Model-Free Multiagent Reinforcement Learning
Tuesday, October 31, 2023, 12:00-1:00 pm
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In this talk I will introduce DeepNash, an autonomous agent capable of learning to play the imperfect information game Stratego from scratch, up to a human expert level. Stratego is one of the few iconic board games that Artificial Intelligence (AI) had not yet mastered. This game has an enormous game tree, orders of magnitude bigger than that of Go and Texas hold’em poker. It has the additional complexity of requiring decision-making under imperfect information, similar to Texas hold’em poker. Decisions in Stratego are made over a large number of discrete actions with no obvious link between action and outcome. Episodes are long, with often hundreds of moves before a player wins, and situations in Stratego can not easily be broken down into manageable-sized sub-problems as in poker. For these reasons, Stratego has been a grand challenge for the field of AI for decades, and existing AI methods barely reach an amateur level of play. DeepNash uses a game-theoretic, model-free deep reinforcement learning method, without search, that learns to master Stratego via self-play and converges to an approximate Nash equilibrium, instead of ‘cycling’ around it, by directly modifying the underlying multi-agent learning dynamics. DeepNash beats existing state-of-the-art AI methods in Stratego and achieved a yearly and all-time top-3 rank on the Gravon games platform, competing with human expert players. 


Julien Perolat is a Staff Research Scientist at Google DeepMind working on game theory and multiagent learning. 


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This talk is organized by Saptarashmi Bandyopadhyay