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Workshop: What Participatory AI looks like today… and why we need you to innovate!
IRB 4107 and Zoom: https://umd.zoom.us/j/96579421934?pwd=dXBoaFFMazFSOWZXZDVmdmR6bEdnZz09
Thursday, April 11, 2024, 2:00-3:15 pm Calendar
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This workshop will introduce participants to an initial dataset built by TRAILS that maps the global landscape of participatory approaches in AI. In addition to participatory design, it profiles work on trustworthy AI methods and metrics, understanding trust, and participatory governance. We will explore current practice, theoretical commitments, and transformative potential, focusing on how perspectives from beyond the global North might help us improve and innovate. Participants will have the opportunity to use and extend the dataset to explore ways to more powerfully center voices that have been marginalized and minoritized in mainstream AI through their research. 


María Isabel Magaña is a Colombian Fulbright Ph.D. student at UMD’s iSchool and a TRAILS affiliate student. She is exploring how technology transforms society and media, focusing on Latin America. 

Her research interests include Latin America STS, participation and governance of AI, open government, and transparency.  She has a master's degree in Investigative Journalism, Data and Visualization (Rey Juan Carlos University, Spain, 2016) and Digital Journalism and Communication (La Sabana University, Colombia, 2020). 

This talk is organized by Emily Dacquisto