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Instance-Optimization: Rethinking Database Design for the Next 1000X
Jialin Ding - Applied Scientist, AWS
IRB 4105 or https://umd.zoom.us/j/95853135696?pwd=VVEwMVpxeElXeEw0ckVlSWNOMVhXdz09
Monday, March 11, 2024, 11:00 am-12:00 pm
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Modern database systems aim to support a large class of different use cases while simultaneously achieving high performance. However, as a result of their generality, databases often achieve adequate performance for the average use case but do not achieve the best performance for any individual use case. In this talk, I will describe my work on designing databases that use machine learning and optimization techniques to automatically achieve performance much closer to the optimal for each individual use case. In particular, I will present my work on instance-optimized database storage layouts, in which the co-design of data structures and optimization policies improves query performance in analytic databases by orders of magnitude. I will highlight how these instance-optimized data layouts address various challenges posed by real-world database workloads and how I implemented and deployed them in production within Amazon Redshift, a widely-used commercial database system.


Jialin Ding is an Applied Scientist at AWS. Before that, he received his PhD in computer science from MIT, advised by Tim Kraska. He works broadly on applying machine learning and optimization techniques to improve data management systems, with a focus on building databases that automatically self-optimize to achieve high performance for any specific application. His work has appeared in top conferences such as SIGMOD, VLDB, and CIDR, and has been recognized by a Meta Research PhD Fellowship. To learn more about Jialin’s work, please visit https://jialinding.github.io/.

This talk is organized by Samuel Malede Zewdu