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Introduction to Quantum Error Correction via the 5 qubit Code
Eric Kubischta - University of Maryland
Kirwan Hall 3206
Monday, March 11, 2024, 4:05-5:05 pm Calendar
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In this talk, I will focus on the smallest quantum error-correcting code: the perfect 5 qubit code found by Laflamme et al. I will write down the codewords and the stabilizer generators. I will talk about which errors are correctable and how to identify and correct them via a syndrome lookup table. I will discuss the probability of getting a logical error when using a depolarizing noise channel and the resulting pseudo-threshold. Lastly I will talk about implementing logical gates via naturally fault-tolerant transversal gates.

This is a Quantum Information Math RIT Seminar which is part of the larger MathQuantum RTG program at UMD.


(Please note that this talk starts at 4:05 pm).

This talk is organized by Andrea F. Svejda