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PhD Proposal: Separating Quantum Black-Box Security Reductions for SNARGs from Falsifiable Assumptions
Manasi Shingane
Atlantic 3100A
Thursday, July 18, 2024, 2:00-3:30 pm
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A reduction establishes the security of a cryptographic primitive by ruling out the existence of an adversary. A meta-reduction, on the other hand, rules out the existence of a class of reductions, thus posing an inherent limitation when proving security. In their seminal work, Gentry and Wichs (STOC'11) gave a meta-reduction for succinct non-interactive arguments from all falsifiable assumptions. Their work assumes the reduction to be classical, thus not ruling out a quantum reduction. We show that their impossibility result also extends to quantum reductions, which can invoke the adversary on a superposition of inputs.


Manasi Shingane is a PhD student co-advised by Andrew Childs and Gorjan Alagic. Her research lies at the intersection of quantum information and cryptography. Her work focuses on studying security reductions in the quantum setting.

This talk is organized by Migo Gui