One approach to ion-photon entanglement relies on transitions from 2P3/2 to the low-lying 2D3/2 and 2D5/2 states at 1345 nm and 1650 nm in Yb+ [1]. Here Purcell enhancement is crucial for achieving good performance in the context of quantum networking. In support of this effort, we developed a monolithic, fiber-coupled Fabry–Pérot cavity integrated with a blade trap that operates at cryogenic temperatures. One of the cavity mirrors is bonded to a metalens that mode-matches cavity light to a single-mode fiber. This fiber-coupled mirror is assembled and potted with UHV-compatible epoxies at room temperature and remains aligned at 6K. The cavity demonstrates a finesse exceeding 50,000 at low temperature. We show preliminary ion-cavity interaction using fiber-coupled 1345 nm repump light. We anticipate our apparatus will permit direct generation of fiber-compatible photons suitable for long-baseline networking without the complexity of frequency conversion or controlling a mixed-species ion crystal.
[1] Wang, W., Goham, C., Laugharn, A. & Britton, J. W. in OSA Quantum 2.0 Conference (2020), paper QW6A.12
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