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Ambiguities in Camera Self-Calibration
Jun-Cheng Chen - University of Maryland
Thursday, April 12, 2012, 4:30-5:30 pm Calendar
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Structure from motion (SfM) is the problem of computing the 3D scene and camera parameters from a video or collection of images. SfM problems can be further classified as calibrated and uncalibrated. In calibrated SfM, the internal camera parameters are known. This is a much easier problem than the uncalibrated case, where these parameters are unknown. Solving for the internal camera parameters are known as the camera self/auto calibration problem. Critical motion sequences (CMS) are those sequences/videos from which internal parameters cannot be determined uniquely, that is, there are many different settings of internal parameters that give rise to the same video. In this talk, we are going to show that three cases of motions, (1) pure translation, (2) single rotation, and (3) single rotation about X/Y/Z-axis and translation, are CMS, and the necessary and sufficient conditions of a sequence not being a CMS.

This talk is organized by Sameh Khamis