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Variable Selection is Hard
Howard Karloff - Yahoo Labs - New York
Thursday, January 22, 2015, 11:00 am-12:00 pm Calendar
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Consider the task of a machine-learning system faced with voluminous
data on m individuals.  While there may be p=10^6 features describing
each individual, how can the algorithm find a small set of features
that "best" describes the individuals?  People usually seek small
feature sets both because models with small feature sets are
understandable and because simple models usually generalize better.
We study the simple case of linear regression, in which a user has
an m x p matrix B and a vector y, and seeks a p-vector x *with as
few nonzeroes as possible* such that Bx is approximately equal to
y, and we call it SPARSE REGRESSION.  There are numerous algorithms
in the statistical literature for SPARSE REGRESSION, such as Forward
Selection, Backward Elimination, LASSO, and Ridge Regression.
We give a general hardness proof that (subject to a complexity
assumption) no polynomial-time algorithm can give good performance
(in the worst case) for SPARSE REGRESSION, even if it is allowed
to include more variables than necessary, and even if it need only
find an x such that Bx is relatively far from y.
This is joint work with Dean Foster and Justin Thaler of Yahoo Labs.
This talk is organized by Manish Purohit