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Alias Resolution in IPv6
Wednesday, February 4, 2015, 2:00-3:00 pm Calendar
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In this talk, I will give a brief overview of alias resolution before diving into IPv6-specific alias resolution techniques. I will summarize the Too-Big-Trick test. Then I will describe UAv6, an IPv6 alias resolution technique that we developed here in UMD. Finally, I will discuss some ideas for efficient alias resolution in v6 based upon one of the techniques from UAv6.

UAv6 finds aliases in two phases. The first “harvest” phase gathers potential alias pairs, and is based on our empirical observation that addresses adjacent to router interface addresses are often unused. UAv6 probes these unused addresses, eliciting ICMPv6 Address Unreachable responses. The central assumption of this work is that the source address of such a response belongs to a router directly connected to the prefix containing the unused and router interface addresses. The second “disambiguation” phase determines which interface address is an alias of the Address Unreachable’s source address. UAv6 uses both new and established techniques to construct proofs or disproofs that two addresses are aliases.

UAv6 has been accepted for publication in PAM 2015 (http://www.cs.umd.edu/~ramapad/docs/uav6_pam15_final.pdf)


Ramakrishna Padmanabhan is a fourth year PhD student whose research interests lie primarily in Systems and Networking. In particular, he is interested in measuring networks: their topology, connectivity and performance.

This talk is organized by Ramakrishna Padmanabhan