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Practice-Oriented Cryptography: A Definition-Centric Approach
Viet Tung Hoang
Thursday, February 12, 2015, 11:00-11:59 am Calendar
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In cryptography, a good formalization can often lead to significant improvements for both security and efficiency. In this talk, I'll discuss two illustrative examples.

First, I'llĀ  present UCE, a security model for hash functions (a very widely used operation in cryptography) that gives rigorous justification for several important heuristic schemes. While UCE can be directly instantiated via existing hash constructions, which are already quite efficient, I'll show a novel hash design that leads to extremely fast instantiations of UCE.

Second, I'll give the first formalization of garbled circuits, a central technique in cryptography. Based on this abstraction, I discover critical bugs in several well-known applications and implementations. I also present new optimization methods
that significantly improve the speed of creating and evaluating garbled circuits.

This talk is organized by Jonathan Katz