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Constant-Round MPC with Fairness and Guarantee of Output Delivery
Friday, February 27, 2015, 11:00 am-12:00 pm Calendar
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We study the round complexity of multiparty computation with fairness and guaranteed output delivery, assuming existence of an honest majority. We demonstrate a new lower bound and a matching upper bound. Our lower bound rules out any two-round fair protocols in the standalone model, even when the parties are given access to a common reference string (CRS). The lower bound follows by a reduction to the impossibility result of virtual black box obfuscation of arbitrary circuits.

Then we demonstrate a three-round protocol with guarantee of output delivery, which in general is harder than achieving fairness (since the latter allows the adversary to force a fair abort). We develop a new construction of a threshold fully homomorphic encryption scheme, with a new property that we call “flexible” ciphertexts. Roughly, our threshold encryption scheme allows parties to adapt flexible ciphertexts to the public keys of the non-aborting parties, which provides a way of handling aborts without adding any communication.

This is a joint work with Dov Gordon and Elaine Shi.
Lunch will be served after the talk. Please register.

Fenghao is a postdoctoral research associate working at Maryland Cybersecurity Center, University of Maryland. My hosts are Professors Jonathan KatzElaine Shi and Dana Dachman-Soled. Before joining UMD, He received his PhD degree from Brown University under the supervision of Professor Anna Lysyanskaya. He received his bachelor degree from Department of Electrical Enginieering, National Taiwan University. 

He is interested in information security with focus on cryptography. Particularly he tackles security challenges in various scenarios of cloud computing, and develop new techniques to handle these security issues, such as: how to compute on encrypted data, how to verify computation in outsourced environments, and how to protect memory/computation under physical attacks. 

This talk is organized by Yupeng Zhang